Make and Model: Dodge Hennessey Viper 1000 Coupe
Year: 2006
Engine Type: V10, Twin Turbo
V10, Twin Turbo
Torque: 1100lb-ft@3800rpm
Acceleration 0-60: 2.9 s
Wheel Base: 18 inches
Top Speed: 255mph
Brakes: ABS, vented disc/vented disc
Weight: ???
Brakes: ABS, vented disc/vented disc
Weight: ???
The Hennessey Venom 1000 Twin Tubro is a normal SRT-10 Viper tuned by Hennessey. It is the fastest limited edition street car in the world. In the September 2005 issue of Road & Track magazine, 14 of the world's fastest vehicles including the Hennessey Venom 1000 Twin Turbo were tested. The vehicles were subjected to a number of performance tests including a standing mile test of speed on the 13,000 ft. runway at Lemoore Naval Air Station. The Hennessey Venom Twin Turbo posted the highest speed of the day running the standing mile in 25.6 seconds. The Hennessey Venom also posted the quickest 0-200 mph run with a time of 21.3 seconds.